
2 Broadcaster Press
March 26, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
Dave Says
Time To Fix The Real Problem
Dear Dave,
I’ve heard you tell people to avoid debt consolidation
companies. Why do you think
debt consolidation is such a bad
Dear Tom,
The main reason is that
debt consolidation makes you
feel like you did something to
really change your financial
world when you didn’t. That’s
part of the catch. Believe it or
not, I hear people all the time
say things like, “I took out a loan,
and paid off all my debt!” No, you
didn’t. All you did was move your
debt around. It’s still there!
In cases like this, the biggest issue remains because
you didn’t do anything to address the real problems—
you and your behavior. When you have debt, the number
of payments you have left isn’t the problem. The problem
isn’t interest rates, either. The problem is the person you
look at in the mirror every day.
Until you get mad enough about your financial situation and the real reasons for it—until you fix you and
your behavior—you’ll never make any progress toward
Tell them you saw it in the
winning with money!
Tell them you saw it in the
When Can We Buy A New Car?
Dear Dave,
My husband and I are following your plan, and we’re
in the middle of saving up our emergency fund. When do
you recommend buying a new car in the process? Do we
have to wait until we’ve finished all the Baby Steps?
Dear Alanna,
I never advise buying a brand new car, unless you
have a net worth of at least $1 million. At that point,
you’ve got enough assets that you won’t get rocked by
the ridiculous depreciation that comes with buying a new
Now, you don’t have to drive a beater until you pay off
your house or anything like that. I advise people to drive
the minimum they can in terms of a car until they complete my first three steps. Baby Step 1 is a beginner emergency fund of $1,000. Baby Step 2 is paying off all debt
except for your home. Baby Step 3 is fully funding your
emergency fund with three to six months of expenses.
After you’ve accomplished these first three steps,
then you can move up to a nicer car. Notice that I didn’t
say move up to a new car. I want you to save up cash,
and get a really nice used car. That’s what the typical
millionaire does, and I want you to model your financial
behavior after people who are in the position you want to
be in some day!
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and
business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored
seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million
listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital
platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on
the web at daveramsey.com.
Floodwater: Road
Crossing Hazards
Tell them you saw it in
the Broadcaster!
201 W. Cherry, Vermillion
By Alvaro Garcia
water depth, strength, and if the road is
SDSU Extension Agriculture and Natural
firm and safe to cross. It is sometimes
Resources Program Director & Professor
difficult to assess the risk of crossing,
If you are among those who take and a typical mistake is to misjudge the
precautions, quit golfing, and look for water's depth and the soundness of the
shelter during a thunderstorm, think underlying surface.
about the following statistic. According
The Federal Emergency Manageto the National Weather Service, twice ment Agency (FEMA) shares these tips
as many people die each year from flash on water depth:
201 W. Cherry, Vermillion
floods in the U.S. compared to lightning!
1.Six inches of water reach the botFlash floods pose an inherent danger tom of a conventional car.
because of thewww.broadcasteronline.com 2.At one foot deep, the conventional
force of the running water. A water current of just six inches passenger car will start to float. Bear in
deep can throw you off balance with mind that, according to the U.S. Georelative ease. It can also carry debris logical Survey, one foot of water carries
and other inert objects that can make a force of 500 pounds. Thus, there is a
wading through even more hazardous. great likelihood that the water current
According to the National Weather Ser- will sweep the car away. The water can
vice statistics however, the majority of sweep you away as well should you dethe casualties (64 percent) happen in cide to step out of the vehicle.
cars, compared with outdoor recrea3.At two feet, the running water will
tion (22.5 percent) or homes/buildings sweep a vehicle down current almost
(9 percent).
right away.
We all have places to go—be sure to
First thing’s first.
get there safely!
If we are crossing and the running
During flooding, and when driving in water starts to sweep the vehicle, the
the countryside we oftentimes encoun- first thing to consider is to avoid ending
ter a creek or stream running on top up trapped inside the vehicle. Before
of the road. Things that should imme- calling for help, unbuckle yours and the
diately come to the driver’s mind are: other passenger’s seatbelts, unlock the
Tell them you saw
it in the
Carpentry, Decks,
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& Ceramic Tile
Repair & Remodel
Cell phones were new, and the university made me
carry one because I was the director of internet systems. They wanted to be able to get hold of me if something went wrong, which, with the internet in its infancy,
it often did. Messages from my office phone were also
routed to my cell phone and beeped me at the most inconvenient times. Sometimes technology is so annoying.
Shandy’s messages always beeped me at the worst
times of all. Every time I had a test in my class, Shandy
had some emergency come up. She would call and leave
a message on my phone just before the test closed. For
the first exam, my phone beeped just as I was trying to
get my young children asleep. I picked up the phone and
hit the play button.
Shandy’s voice came on, and she was breathing hard.
“Hello, Professor Howard. This is Shandy. My friends
and I are at a park forty miles from campus and someone
in our group broke her arm. I ran to this pay phone to
call for medical help, and after I called them, I realized I
should call you to let you know I won’t make it back to
campus in time to take the test. I hope you will let me
take it tomorrow.”
This was always a tough spot to be in. The student
may or may not be telling the truth. I tended to err on
the side of trust, so the next day I called the testing center and gave them the information needed to let Shandy
take the test. I hoped that would be the last time, but
when the second test came, there was a similar phone
call. My phone beeped in the middle of an important
meeting. Few others had cell phones, and everyone
stared at me.
It was another call from Shandy. “Hello Professor
Howard. This is Shandy. I was coming home with some
friends from a game about ninety miles from campus
when we came upon a wreck. We helped the people
get out before the car caught fire and treated them for
shock until paramedics arrived. Afterward, we pulled
into this gas station so I could call you. There is no way
I can make it all the way back to campus in time for the
test. I hope you will let me take it tomorrow.”
Things didn’t quite add up, but I had no proof to the
contrary, so I called the test permission in to the testing
center. But then I called the Honor Office and asked them
if they had received any concerns about Shandy. They
said they had, but nothing that anyone could prove.
Two more tests had the same thing happen. My
phone beeped at inconvenient times, and Shandy had
had an emergency. But I was getting more suspicious.
Still, I couldn’t prove anything, so I called the testing
center for her permissions.
Then, one day, there was a knock on my office door.
I opened it, and there stood a man holding two phones.
“We have upgraded the phone system on campus, and
everyone is getting new office phones,” he said. “You
also get a new cell phone.”
“What’s wrong with my old phones?” I asked.
“I don’t really know,” he answered. “But apparently
they don’t work well with the new equipment.”
He set up my office phone, handed me the new cell
phone, and left a small brochure on how to use the new
features. I put the small brochure in my wallet. I didn’t
have time to deal with new technology, and I knew how
to use a phone. But then came the day after the next test
closed. My phone beeped while I was on a date with my
wife. I was annoyed when I had to use the brochure to
figure out how to get the message.
It was Shandy again. “Hi Professor Howard. This is
Shandy . . . “
Her message was the same as usual. She said she was
two hours away from campus and had had an emergency. When she finished speaking, I was just about to hang
up when a computer-generated voice came on. “This
call originated from McKay Library extension 7042.”
I paused, somewhat stunned. Shandy had called me
from on campus, and now I knew for sure she wasn’t really miles away.
Maybe technology is
not so annoying after all.
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doors, and open the windows. This will
help you be ready in case the car ends
up getting dragged into deeper water.
Do not attempt to contact emergency
help before increasing your chances of
exiting the car. Every second counts at
this point! If you fall in the current, you
are going to get soaked in frigid water,
so it is important to understand what
the risks are if it happens. The body's
cold shock response happens first and
usually between 2 to 3 minutes following immersion. The time it takes for it to
occur varies between individuals, and it
is usually associated with body mass.
Heavy-built subjects will tolerate cold
water longer compared to their skinnier counterparts. A state of panic with
gasping and hyperventilation characterizes this stage. The first thing a person needs to do is to remain as calm as
possible, in an attempt to get his or her
respiration rate under control. People
that are afraid of water are predisposed
to enter this stage sooner, as panicking
compounds the problem.
Be aware that a course of water running over the road can turn into a very
dangerous, even life-threatening situation if you attempt to cross it with your
vehicle. There is likely no
place one needs to get to that
urgently as to risk life. The
best advice? “When in doubt
back out!”
Daris Howard
Prairie Center Townships Board
of Supervisors will meet on
Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm
at the Township Hall
to discuss recent water issues
in our township.
Matt Olson, Clerk
Sump Pump City Ordinance
Sump pumps have been installed in many Vermillion homes to remove
groundwater collected by foundation drains and thereby prevent water
damage to basement walls and floors. This water is not polluted and does
not require any treatment before being discharged to a waterway.
Sanitary sewers, however, collect waste from
homes, other buildings and businesses. This
waste must be treated prior to discharge to a
waterway. The discharge of sump pumps to
floor drains and to indoor plumbing can result
in hydraulic overloads of the sanitary sewer.
When sewer lines become overloaded,
sewage can back up into homes and
businesses. Therefore, it is against Vermillion
City Ordinance to discharge a sump pump to
the sanitary sewer system.
We want to protect all homeowners from
sewer backups. To do this we need everyone's
cooperation to ensure sump pumps are not
discharged to the sanitary system.
If you have any questions concerning
the proper discharge of sump pumps,
feel free to contact Wastewater at
(605) 677-7077 or
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201 W Cherry