
6 Broadcaster Press
March 26, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
4th Annual
Consignment Auction
Saturday, April 13, 2019 • Maskell, NE
Location: Maskell Ball Diamond, North End of Town
Lunch on Grounds
DEADLINE for Advertising
April 1, 2019
Konken Huwaldt Auction Service
(Auctioneers & Clerks)
Kelly Konken 402.841.6575 • Ed Huwaldt 402.360.4387
Todd Book 712.251.4464
Enhanced Concealed Carry In State Capitol Approved
A bill to allow individuals with
an enhanced concealed carry
permits to bring firearms into the
South Dakota State Capitol building was signed March 18 by Gov.
Kristi Noem.
Enhanced concealed carry
permits require individuals to
apply, pay a fee, and complete
a qualifying handgun course
taught by a South Dakota certified instructor. People with an
enhanced permit must notify the
superintendent of the Highway
Patrol at least 24 hours in advance
Spring Machinery Consignment
they will carry in the Capitol.
South Dakota is one of 18
states that allow concealed carry
in their respective state Capitol.
The law will go into effect July 1.
Gov. Noem also signed:
•HB1050 – An act to revise
certain provisions regarding the
use and possession of scanning
devices and reencoders
•HB1053 – An act to revise
the value of gifts permitted for
certain insurance advertising or
promotional programs
•HB1103 – An act to establish
a lemon law for certain farm
•HB1202 – An act to revise the
number of qualified directors
of a corporation needed to take
certain actions
•HB1272 – An act to provide
for remote notarization
•SB55 – An act to require the
national motto of the United
States to be displayed in public
•SB68 – An act to define certain acts as misbranding of food
•SB96 – An act to expand
application of the tax credit for
contributions to a scholarship
granting organization
•SB115 – An act to authorize
the conditional carrying of a concealed pistol in the state capitol
by certain persons
•SB155 – An act to authorize
additional nursing facility beds
for the Michael J. Fitzmaurice Veterans Home
Saturday, April 13th @ 9:30 AM
6 miles East of Hinton, IA on C-60
Wednesday, April 3rd • 10:00AM
Tractors – Trucks – Tillage – Campers – New Skid Attachments
Located at Girard Auction Facilities – Wakonda, SD
Several Items Have Been Added Since Last Week’s Ad!
Please check the SD DOT Website for road conditions coming
into Wakonda if coming from out of the area.
Several roads are & will still be under water leading into town!
From the Curt Svarstad Estate – MF 1085D w/cab, 4600 hrs.; Koyker 565 loader
w/1085 mounts, grapple & spear; MF 180D wf, quick hitch, good rubber, 4600 hrs.;
Lundell 3pt. Snowblower; 3pt. Pasture Sprayer; JD Gyro Mower; 3pt. Tree Planter
Tractors, Backhoe & Skid Loaders – ’69 JD 4020D, 8-bolt wf, 2hdy, sync., 7,000 hrs.;
IH 806D wf, flat fenders, 3pt. w/Dual 340 Loader w/grapple, like new; C-IH 9150 4WD,
12 spd, ps, 20.8x38 duals, 315 hp, runs good; ’60 Case 580CK Loader/Backhoe; IH
706D; IH M-D w/Dual Loader; ’54 IH Super H; ’51 JD A; ’55 Ford 800; ’45 Ford 2N; IH
5500 Skid Loader; IH 5400 Skid Loader; skid loader trailer
Equipment – JD 1760 12R Planter, precision meters, Yetter openers, Pop. Monitor, big
boxes; C-IH 4300 24’ F. Cult.; JD 7100 8R30 rigid planter w/monitor; MacDon A30-D
14’ mower conditioner; C-IH 8370 14’ swather; JD 1600A 16’ swather; C-IH 8465 Auto
Baler; JD 530 Rd. Baler, new belts; MF/Hesston 2856A Rd. Baler, net wrap; C-IH 8460
Rd. Baler; Hesston 5800 Rd. Baler; C-IH 3900 26’ Rock Flex Disk w/harrow; IH 475 disk
19’ Hyd. Fold 20” blades; Parker 500 Bu. Grain Cart w/Tarp; Flicken #9500 500 Bu.
Grain Cart; 10’ MDS Snow Pusher w/Skid Mounts; JD & IH running gears; 8’ 3pt. blade;
flare box wagon; flatbed trailer; Gravity Wagon w/Brush Auger; JD F-145 5x14 Plow; head
trailer; porta seeder; 3pt. Posthole digger; Bush Hog 6’ Squealer Gyro-Mower; 2r planter
Semis, Trucks, Vehicles & Trailers – ’07 Peterbilt, 399k, Auto, C7 Cat eng.; ’07
Freightliner, 859k, 9 spd., Series 60 Detroit; ’98 Peterbilt 330, 3104 Cat, 10 spd., Single
Axle; ’18 Enclosed Trailer 24’; ’14 Freedom Enclosed Trailer, 16’x8.5’, extra tall, nice;
’85 Ford F-700 18’ Steel box, hyd tag, shows 59k; ’76 Ford F600 16’ box 360, 88k; ’12
Ford Fusion SEL, 92k miles; auto, 4 cyl., Fully Loaded w/Nav., heated seats, back-up
camera, NICE!; ’08 Chevy Colorado 2WD, Reg. Cab, 48k; ’98 Ford F150 4x4, stepside,
3rd door, 4.6L, 189k; ’96 Ford F250 2WD, 351; ’94 Ford F-350 w/hoist, 5spd., dually,
2WD; ’91 Ford Ranger 2.3, 2WD, 4spd; ’89 Ford Ranger, reg. cab, 4x4; ’03 Pontiac
Bonneville, 199k; ’00 Buick Lesabre; Homemade Skid loader Tandem Trailer;
New Skid Loader Attachments – All New Skid Loader Attachments w/Skid Steer
Quick-Attach: Lowe Hyd. Auger 750 w/12” bit; Stout Brush Grapples – 66-9, HD72-8,
HD72-4 close tine, XHD84-6; Stout Grapple Bucket HD72-FB; (2) Stout Rock Bucket
Grapple HD72-3; (2) Stout Rock Bucket/Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open End; Stout
Rock Bucket HD72; Stout Tree/Post Puller; Stout Receiver Hitch Plate; Stout Grapple
Attachment; Stout Solid Weld Skid Steer Plate; Stout Pallet Forks – 48” Walk-thru, 48”
regular; Stout Fork Grapple; Set of 4 Maxum 10-16.5 Skid Steer 10-ply Tires; Set of 4
Maxum 12-16.5 Skid Steer 10-ply tires;
Lawn & Garden (Sell Right after Trees) – JD Yellow Patio 110 L&G Tractor, partial
restoration, includes deck, snowblower & tiller, runs good; Ford 1210 Garden Tractor,
641 hrs., 3pt., 540 PTO; Land Pride Mdl. FDR1660 60” grooming mower, rear discharge,
3pt., 2yrs. Old; 6’ Artz Way Belly Mower; Artz Way 60” belly mower; Land Pride 5’ 3pt.
Tiller; Swisher 60” Finish PT Mower; IH Cub Cadet 44” Deck 18hp, new clutch, runs
good; (3) New Masport Walk-Behind Mowers, 1 commercial; JD F-620 w/54” deck; AgriFab 44” leaf sweep; Snapper rider; Cub Cadet for parts; White Garden Tractor; Leaf
Shredder; Ariens Snow Blower; 48” Plug Aerator; 12v Sprayer; Walk-Behind Trimmer;
snow blowers; JD Yard Thatcher
Trees (Sell at 1 o’clock) – Colorado Blue Spruce (25) 3’-4’ & (25) 2’; Black Hills Spruce
(15) 2’-3’ & (20) 20”; White Pine (5) 2’; Norway Pine (5) 4’; Purple Lilacs (10) 2’
Campers, Boats, ATV & Dune Buggy – ’18 Forest River Vibe M308BHS, 32’ Bumper
Hitch, bunk house, 2 slides, queen bed, power jack, stabilizers, awning w/remote, LED
lights, Res. Size Fridge, Outdoor kitchen, Like New; ’13 Wildwood 24’ Bumper Hitch
Camper, elec. Jacks, sleeps 6, used 6 times; 2-Wheel Camper Tent for Motorcycle; ’79
Lund 18’ Pike Deluxe Boat w/40hp 2-Stroke Merc. on power plate, new floor & gas
tank, live well, depth finder, full windshield, cover & ’88 roller trailer; ’96 Mercury 9.9hp
4-Stroke Kicker Motor; ’85 Sylvan 16’ boat w/EZ Load Trailer, 60 hp Merc. w/9.9 kicker;
Sandrail Buggy w/Ford Pinto 4cyl. Eng., Runs Good; ’00 Kawasaki Mule Diesel, 866
miles, 151 hrs.;
Livestock – ’98 Better-Bilt Liquid Manure Spreader, Nice; (60) 6-Bar x 20’ Cont. Panels,
New; (16) 5’x24’ Free Standing Panels, new; (40) 5’x10’ Portable Panels, new; Powder
River Calving pen w/chute – self-locking; cattle water; misc. cattle gates; calf creep
feeder; steel post;
Misc. – (3) Large Anvils; Nugier 40-Ton Press w/14 attachments – NEW; tires & rims;
JD 10 bolt hubs; 1000 gal. propane tank; 4500 BTU Elec. Furnace; 100 gal. Fuel Tank,
new; tire rack; solar panels; JD fenders; IH Suit Case Weights; IH Front Fenders; 18.4x38
tires; Schwartz wf for 656; JD Fert. Boxes for 7000; Pickup fuel tank w/120 pump; blade
for 4wh.; Stihl 029 Chainsaw; tool boxes; bolts; sludge pumps; fire hydrants; log splitter;
Large Metal Parts Bin;
Auctioneers Note: Due to weather conditions, we are full of small items. Still taking
consignments of large equipment and vehicles. Please go to www.GirardAuction.com
to view photos as items come in and are consigned.
Terms: Cash, Good Check, Visa, MasterCard. SD Sale tax applies.
Lunch by American Legion. Not responsible for accidents.
Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc.
(605) 267-2421 Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
Marv Girard—BA; Ken Girard, CAI—Broker,
Mike Girard, CAI—BA, Scott Moore--Auctioneer
There is a high demand for used equipment.
Turn yours into CASH NOW!!
Call now to get your items advertised in all our
ads covering IA, NE, SD, MN & Radio,
Website and Facebook. Reaching Thousands!!!
Sales average over 1,500 buyers.
We sell Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Trailers, Farm & Atq. Equip,
Lawn & Garden, Livestock Equip., Tools, Hay & Straw,
plus Ag Related Misc.
We welcome Individual, Estates, Farm Reductions, Dealers, Etc.
We have over 20 acres for equipment & parking!!
Fast loadout sale day!!
Advertising deadline: March 30th
201 W. Cherry, Vermillion
Ph. or Text: Stabe Auction Co. 712-540-9640
Email: auction@frontiernet.net
Website: www.stabeauctionandrealty.com
2-Bedroom Ranch Home with
2-Stall Garage in Burbank, SD
Thursday, April 18th at 5:30PM
32018 Cusick St., Burbank, SD
1 Block West of the Burbank School
OPEN HOUSES: Sunday, March 31st • 1-2PM
& Thursday, April 4th • 6-7PM
LEGAL: Lots 1&2 Blk 8, City of Burbank, Fairview Township, Clay County, SD
TAXES: $968.34
Personal Property will sell at 4:00 pm with 50+ Guns & Knives; Real Estate
at 5:30 and we will conclude the remainder of the Personal Property after
the House sells. Please go to www.GirardAuction.com for a full listing of the
personal property; which includes Boat, Mowers, Truck, Tools, Furniture & more!
This is a Governor’s home built in 2001 w/960 sq. ft. of living area. Includes 2-bedrooms
both with closets; 1 full bath; kitchen/dining area and living room. Home has all new
carpet and flooring recently put in; central air; Propane Heat; vinyl siding and asphalt
shingles. There are 2 decks on the home, a 12’x8’ and a 6’x6’. There is a crawl space
under the home as well.
There is an unattached 2-car garage w/electric door openers and a new steel roof. Also
includes a 12’x12’ garden/storage shed and a 1,000-gallon propane tank.
This is a very well-kept home with lots of yard area for a garden, expansion, another shed
or playground. Would make a great starter home or rental property as well. Be sure to
check out one of the open houses or contact the auction company to set up a viewing.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Be ready to buy, as this is an ABSOLUTE AUCTION and the home
WILL SELL that day regardless of price! Visit www.GirardAuction.com for more details
& tons of pictures!
TERMS: $10,000 non-refundable down payment due the day of the auction with the
balance due on closing, May 20th, 2019. Closing cost & Title Insurance split 50/50
between the buyer and seller. Clay County Title is the closing agent. Taxes prorated to
the day of closing. Possession on closing. Auctioneers are acting as agents on behalf
of the seller.
Melvin Nielsen – Owner
Melvin Gray – Conservator
Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc.
(605) 267-2421 Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
Marv Girard—BA; Ken Girard, CAI—Broker,
Mike Girard, CAI—BA, Scott Moore--Auctioneer