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July 2, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com FEMA Eligibility Letter May Not Be Last Word On Disaster Assistance PIERRE, S.D. – If you applied for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency because of the severe storms/flooding earlier this year and received a letter or text message saying you were not eligible for disaster aid, you should know that the first communication may not be the last word. There may be an easy-to-resolve reason why some applicants received a notice stating that they are ineligible for assistance. If you were informed that your application is “ineligible” or “incomplete” more information may be needed. A common reason for initially being ineligible for disaster assistance is that an applicant needs to provide FEMA with a copy of an insurance determination letter before a grant application can be processed. Other reasons for an ineligibility determination may include: • The applicant did not sign the required documents. • The applicant did not prove occupancy or ownership. • Applicant’s identity may not have been verified. • The damage is to a secondary home or a rental property, not a primary residence. • Someone else in the household may have applied and received assistance. • Disaster related losses could not be verified. Every applicant for federal assistance has the right to file an appeal. • Appeals may be mailed, faxed to the FEMA National Processing Service Center or personally delivered to a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) and must be received within 60 days of the date on the determination letter. Applicants or someone they designate to act on their behalf must explain in writing why Broadcaster Press 3 Beware Of Post-Disaster Scams PIERRE, S.D. – Recovery officials urge South Dakota residents to watch for and report any suspicious activity or potential fraud from scam artists, identity they believe the initial decision was thieves and other criminals who may wrong and provide any new or additry to prey on those who suffered losses tional information and documents that in the severe winter storms and flooding support the appeal. from mid-March to late April. Appeals can be mailed to: Common post-disaster fraud pracFEMA – Individuals & Households tices include: Program Fake offers of state or federal aid: National Processing Service Center Beware if anyone claiming to be P.O. Box 10055 from the Federal Emergency ManageHyattsville, MD 20782-7055 ment Agency (FEMA) or the state visits, Appeals can be faxed to: calls or emails asking for an applicant’s 800-827-8112 Social Security number, bank account Attention: FEMA – Individuals & number or other sensitive information. Households Program Avoid scam artists who promise a Applicants may also visit any Disdisaster grant and ask for cash deposits aster Recovery Center that FEMA and or advance payments in full. the State of South Dakota have opened Know that federal workers do not across the state. Mobile Disaster solicit or accept money. FEMA and the Recovery Centers will be visiting five U.S. Small Business Administration additional locations. At a DRC, special(SBA) staff never charge applicants ists from FEMA can help with appeals, for disaster assistance, inspections or answer questions, review applications help in filling out applications. Do not and accept required documents. Find give out information and report people the nearest center at www.fema.gov/drc. claiming to be government workers to Although applicants may be ineligilocal police. ble for FEMA disaster grants, they may Provide your Social Security number receive assistance through the U.S. and banking information only when regSmall Business Administration (SBA). istering for FEMA assistance, either by The SBA is the federal government’s calling 800-621-3362, TTY 800-462-7585, primary source of money for the longor going online at www.DisasterAsterm rebuilding of disaster-damaged sistance.gov or the smart phone FEMA private property. SBA helps businesses App. If you use 711-Relay or Video Relay efforts and cover the cost of replacServices, call 800-621-3362. Operators ing lost or disaster-damaged personal are multilingual and calls are answered property. These disaster loans cover from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time seven losses not fully compensated by insurdays a week. ance or other recoveries and do not Phony housing inspectors: Owners/ duplicate benefits of other agencies or applicants may be especially vulnerable organizations. For more information, to phony housing inspectors claiming applicants may contact SBA’s Disaster to represent FEMA or SBA. An applicant Assistance Customer Service Center by should always: calling 800-659-2955, emailing disastercustomerservice@sba.gov, or visiting SBA’s website at SBA.gov/disaster. Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals may call 800-877-8339. Ask to see the inspector’s identification badge. All federal employees and contractors carry official, laminated photo identification. Inspectors also have each applicant’s nine-digit registration number. FEMA inspectors never require banking information. It is important to note that FEMA housing inspectors verify damage, but do not hire or endorse specific contractors to fix homes or recommend repairs. They do not determine your eligibility for assistance. Fraudulent building contractors:When hiring a contractor, be sure to: Use licensed local contractors backed by reliable references. Demand that contractors carry general liability insurance and worker’s compensation. Bogus pleas for post-disaster donations: Unscrupulous solicitors may play on the sympathy for disaster survivors. Disaster aid solicitations may arrive by phone, email, letter or face-to-face visits. Verify legitimate solicitation: Ask for the charity’s exact name, street address, phone number, and Web address, then call the charity directly and confirm that the person asking for funds is an employee or volunteer. Don’t pay with cash. Request a receipt with the charity’s name, street address, phone number and Web address (if applicable). Anyone with knowledge of fraud, waste or abuse may call the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721 or report it to the Federal Trade Commission at www.ftccompliantassistant.gov You may also send an email to DHSOIGHotline@dhs.gov Don’t Miss Your Chance At Winning The Perfect Camping Set PIERRE, S.D. – Don’t miss out on a borer, a destructive exotic beetle, was chance to win the “Perfect Camping Set” discovered in Sioux Falls. Now more from the South Dakota Department of than ever, it is imperative that South Dakotans buy or collect firewood where Agriculture (SDDA) and South Dakota Department a Summer AC Tune-Up! they plan to burn it or buy certified of Game, Fish and Parks. In Save $30 on heat-treated firewood. Protect South Compensation Tank Inspection fee and order to be entered, one must take the Dakota’s natural resources by taking the the sale of lotto tickets, provides grants pledge to not move untreated firewood pledge to not move untreated firewood on the SDDA’s website before June 30, and loans for water, wastewater and Just give us a call and we’llThe winner will at https://sdda.sd.gov/Firewood/Pledge. 2019, at midnight CT. watershed projects. aspx. receive “The Perfect Camping Set,” The State of South Dakota and the send out a qualified For more information on emerald including a tent, sleeping bags and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Service Technician like ash borer in South Dakota, go to http:// fund the Drinking Water State Revolving outdoor cooking equipment. emeraldashborerinsouthdakota.sd.gov/. Trees play your Fund Program, which provides lowTyler, to make sure an important role in our Agriculture is a major contributor to interest loans for public drinking water communities, as well as on our farms AC unitandready forHowever, non-native is ranches. those South Dakota’s economy, generating system projects. The State of South $25.6 billion in annual economic activity insects and diseases Dakota and the U.S. Environmentalhot summer South Dakotaare killing these Tyler Reiser and employing over 115,000 South Daimportant parts Protection Agency fund the Clean Water and save $30!* of our ecosystems and days Service Technician kotans. The South Dakota Department causing millions of dollars of damage State Revolving Fund Program, which to communities and forests13 years experience of Agriculture's mission is to promote, across the provides low-interest loans for wastewater, storm water, water conservation, nation. These insects and diseases can’t protect and preserve South Dakota agriand nonpoint source projects. Principal move far on their own, but when people culture for today and tomorrow. Visit us move firewood they can jump hundreds online at http://sdda.sd.gov or find us forgiveness is a subsidy option that on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. of miles. In May of 2018, emerald ash results in a reduced loan repayment amount for the borrower. The Solid Waste Management Program provides grants and loans for sol- When You Want Comfort… You Want Kalins! id waste disposal, recycling and waste Vermillion: 605-624-5618 tire projects. The Legislature annually *Rebate offer only available to Vermillion Light & Power customers. appropriates dedicated water and waste Call for funding for the Consolidated and Solidfull details. Waste programs through the Governor’s 70 years as a Premier Lennox® Dealer Omnibus Water Funding Bill. 98 years in the Business 400 years of Heating and Cooling Experience More Than $24.0 Million Approved For Statewide Environmental Projects PIERRE, S.D. – The state Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved more than $24.0 million for water, wastewater, and solid waste projects. The board met today in Pierre. The $24,096,000 total includes $4,320,000 in grants and $19,776,000 in low-interest loans, with $6,642,000 in principal forgiveness. The grants and loans awarded by the board are administered through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Grants were awarded to: Rapid City, $750,000 to purchase new recycling equipment Loans were awarded to: Blackhawk Water User District, $3,810,000 for drinking water system improvements Box Elder, $1,742,000 for drinking water system improvements Springfield, $1,950,000 for wastewater and storm water system improvements Loans with principal forgiveness were awarded to: Irene, $4,253,000 in loans, with $3,089,000 in principal forgiveness, for drinking Let Our Family water and wastewater Business Keep Yours improvements Kingbrook Rural Water In The Go With: System, $1,245,000 loan, • Farm Filters • Hydraulic Hoses • Bearings & Seals with $945,000 in principal 1007 Broadway Ave forgiveness, for drinking Yankton, SD water system improve605•665•4494 ments Randall Community Water District, $4,600,000 loan, with $2,263,000 in Plain Talk Office Will Be principal forgiveness, for Closed Thursday, July 4th drinking water system improvements Deadline for the July 5th issue: Grant and loan packMonday, July 1 at 3pm ages were awarded to: Onida, $5,746,000 Vermillion for drinking water LAIN ALK and wastewater projects, which includes $3,570,000 in grants and $2,176,000 in loans with $345,000 in principal forgiveness The grants and loans were awarded from DENR’s Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program and Solid Waste Smoke Free Management Program. • Rent adjusted to income • Large 2 & 3 bedroom w/AC The Consolidated Wa• O? street parking • Large closets - one walk-in ter Facilities Construc• On-site coin laundry • Playground equipment tion Program, funded in • Just Blocks from Campus, High School & Prentis Park part by revenues from 1200 E. Clark Street • Vermillion, SD the Petroleum Release When You Want Comfort...You Want Kalins = Southeast South Dakota’s #1 Choice! Yankton Vermillion Sioux City 605.665.4348 605.624.5618 712.252.2000 kalinsindoor.com Cox Auto P S e r v i n g o u r read e r s s i nce 1 8 8 4 . www.plaintalk.net T OAKWOOD APARTMENTS 605.624.9557 Thursday, July 4th • 3:00-7:00 Clay County Fairgrounds (Cherry and High Streets) Free family fun with games, rides, food and music! Farmers market vendors and more! Food catered by HyVee and treats provided by the Girl Scouts. Third Thursday at the Market Beekeeping presented by Dan Van Peursem Thursdays 3:00-7:00 Clay County Fairgrounds Saturdays 9:00-12:00 Downtown on the Platz at Main and Market Streets Honey, bread, meat, produce, crafts, plants and more! Vermillion Area Farmers Market www.vermillionfarmersmarket.org • 605-857-3213 We accept debit and EBT benefits.

Fair 59.0 F
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Temperature:59.0 F
Wind:West at 16.1 MPH (14 KT)
Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
Heat Index:
Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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