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2 Broadcaster Press July 2, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com Dave Says It’s Only Temporary Dear Dave, Should I still contribute up to the match to my 401(k) at work, like you recommend, if I’m in the process of trying to get out of debt? Russ amount of financial power. And this will be more beneficial to you than one or two years of your company match. I’d never tell anyone to stop investing, or taking advantage of a company match, for several years. However, if you put it on hold for just a little while and clean up your debt mess—then go back to investing for retirement—you’ll reap many more rewards down the road. You’ll permanently change your financial behavior, and you’ll be able to invest even more for retirement and other things. Good question, Russ! —Dave Choosing a Musical Instrument By Daris Howard When I first met my wife, she was a music major and played in a dance band. I was in athletics. My children have tended to follow their mother’s interests more than mine. Every one of them is an excellent musician. To be honest, I do play the harmonica, and I used Dear Russ, to play the piano some. I also played the guitar when Some people disagree with I was in college. But I try not to mention that to anythis stance, but my answer is no. one because I seldom play a musical instrument in Dave I understand how important it public. I usually only play my harmonica when we are is to take the match in a situation camping as a family, though I have done a little bit like that, but one of the things I’ve in theatre when there was a desperate need, with an learned over the years is that personal finance is 80 * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money emphasis on desperate. percent behavior and only 20 percent head knowledge. and business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has auDespite my lack of musical talent, over the years, thored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money due to my wife and children’s interests in music, I In the short term, the power of focusing on changing Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than have associated with quite a few musicians. I often your behavior and working hard to pay off debt will supersede the mathematics involved where your com- 12 million listeners each week on 575 radio stations and find it interesting to learn how different musicians pany match is concerned. In other words, if you stop multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @ chose their instruments. One fun story was related saving temporarily, for just a year or so—and wipe DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramsey.com. to us by a physician that played in a community orout all your consumer debt—you’ll gain a tremendous chestra with my wife. He played the bassoon. Not too many people play the bassoon. It is usually not the most used instrument in an orchestra. But due to its unique sound, it often stands out and is sometimes given small solo segments. The physician’s first name was Paul, and that’s what we knew him by in the orchestra. One of the musicians asked Served at The Main Street Center & Town Square, “Meals Thursday – Holiday No Meals Paul if either the unique sound or the opportunity to on Wheels”. Please call before 9:00am to schedule or Friday – 1 ¼ c Potato Soup, Egg Salad Sandwich, cancel a meal at 624-7868. Menus listed below are July ½ c Jell-O w/ Pears, 4 oz. Cranberry Juice solo was the reason he chose to play the bassoon. He laughed. “No. The reason is a lot more rudi3rd – July 9th. Menus are subject to change without Monday – 3 oz. Chicken Strips, ½ c French Fries, mentary than that.” notice. All menus are served with whole grain bread ½ c Coleslaw, ½ c 3 Bean Salad, He then told us his story. His parents were a family and 1% milk unless otherwise noted. ½ c Strawberries, 4 oz. Orange Juice of musicians. Every member of the family was expectTuesday – 3 oz. Swiss Steak, ½ c Garlic Wednesday – 3 oz. Brats on a Bun or 3 oz. Mashed Potatoes, ½ c Mixed Vegetables, ed to learn to play the piano and one other instru Hamburger on a Bun, ½ c Potato Salad, ½ c Mandarin Oranges, 4 oz. Cranberry Juice ment of their choice. Paul was somewhat annoyed by this expectation. He preferred to play sports. ½ c Baked Beans, 4 oz. Apple Juice None of his friends had such a requirement of instrument practice in their families, and he felt frustrated and shortchanged. When he would see his friends head out to play baseball while he was expected to go home and practice the piano, he was endlessly annoyed. So, when he became proficient By Rachel Cruze When you know where every Dollar. It’s the best budgeting app enough on the piano that it was his turn to choose a One of the seven money habits dollar is going, you’re prepared. out there. It will help you create a second instrument, he chose the bassoon. I often talk about is simply “Make You know what’s coming in and plan for your money, while making “The whole reason I chose the bassoon was not a Plan for Your Money.” It’s so what’s going out. it easy stay on top of your budget because I liked it,” Paul said. “In fact, I thought it was basic, but so many people don’t When most people start budget- throughout the month. a strange instrument with an even stranger sound. ing, they feel like they got a raise. do it on a regular basis. Another Don’t get discouraged if you But I knew it was the one instrument that drove my They suddenly “find” money they way of saying this—and hang with mess up a few times. You might father crazy. I decided that if he was going to make me didn’t realize was there. One great me here—is you need to make a need three or four months to get practice an instrument, I was going to practice someresult of this is you’ll be able to budget. I know what you’re thinkyour budget the way you want it. thing that annoyed him. I guess, secretly, I thought ing. Budgeting is so boring! I get start spending without guilt. All But once you have a plan in place, maybe if it drove him crazy enough, he would decide that. But, honestly, budgeting gets your money is accounted for, so you’ll be amazed at how much I could quit. a bad rap. you don’t have to worry whether more in control you feel about “But if my dad was anything, he was determined. I’m as much of a free spirit as or not your bank account will your money. You’ll experience I think he just covered his ears and gritted his anyone, so I understand that the cover your purchase. more freedom, less anxiety, and a teeth. And the more determined he became to see it thought of sitting down and talking No matter what you’ve heard, better all-around understanding of through, the more determined I became to drive him about bills and expenses might I promise that making a budget your financial situation. crazy. I practiced more and more. sound a little dull. I also underisn’t difficult. First, simply list Here’s my challenge to you: “But something happened that I didn’t expect. All stand how a budget might seem your monthly household income If you’re not living on a monthly of the practice to drive my dad crazy started making very restrictive. But here’s a secret before the month begins. Next, list budget, give it a try. I bet you’ll see me a good musician. Without realizing it, I was exabout budgeting: Creating a budget all your monthly expenses. This a big difference, and you’ll never celling on the bassoon and ended up winning awards will actually give you freedom should include all your bills, like go back to a budget-less life again! and becoming part of the best orchestras. I was nomwith your money. It gives you rent, utilities, basic clothing needs inated to state competitions and ended up winning permission to spend! It’s one of the and food, as well as your groceries, About Rachel Cruze first in solo performance, even though solo perforamazing principles about money I eating out, shopping…everything! As a #1 New York Times best-sellmances on bassoons are quite unusual.” ing author, host of The Rachel Cruze discuss in my book, Love Your Life Finally, subtract all your expenses “I bet your dad is proud of you,” someone said. Show, and The Rachel Cruze Show Not Theirs. from your income. If you’ve asPaul laughed. “Yes, he is. But he has still made it signed every podcast, Rachel helps people learn clear that I’m not playing a solo at his funeral. He is dollar a name, the proper ways to handle money and having my sister who plays the harp do it instead. you should stay out of debt. She’s authored three have zero. This best-selling books, including Love is a simple Your Life, Not Theirs and Smart MonThanks to all my family and friends for ey Smart Kids, which she co-wrote zero-based with her father, Dave Ramsey. You budget. making my 80th birthday party so special. can follow Cruze on Twitter and InstaWhen Thanks to everyone who came or gram at @RachelCruze and online at you’re making The Summer Food Program at St. Agnes Elementary will www.rachelcruze.com, youtube.com/ your budget, I sent cards and good wishes. be serving lunch Monday through Friday from recommend us- rachelcruze or facebook.com/rachelMay 28th to August 9th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. ~Jean Amundson~ ing a free app ramseycruze. This meal is FREE to anyone 18 or younger. called EveryFor more information call 677-7000. RAMSEY Dakota Senior Meals The Best Way to Win With Money Thank You! VERMILLION SUMMER LUNCH MENU Menu listed below is for July 3 – July 9. Menus are subject to change without notice. Wednesday – BBQ Rib Sandwich Thursday – No School Friday – No School Monday – Cheeseburger Tuesday – Hot Ham & Cheese Melt Neighbor-Hood Pump Service For All Your Water & Well Needs Harold & Tyler Niemeyer – Owners 900 East Cherry Street, Vermillion Wednesday, July 10th 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Come Join Us For Cookies & Beverages $500 Off Golden Scooters & Power Wheelchairs 20% Off Golden Lift Chairs 15% Off CPAP Sanitizers 20% CEP Compression Register For a Prize Drawing! Canton, South Dakota 57013 (605) 366-5813 Installation • Sales • Service Join us from 2 – 3pm on Wednesday, July 3rd to say “Thank You” to Jamie Neitzke on 15 years withVermillion FCU and wish her best of luck in her future! 105 E. Cherry St., Vermillion, SD (605) 677-5214 www.vermillionfcu.com

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