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16 Broadcaster Press June 26, 2012 www.broadcasteronline.com State Historical Society Press announces ‘Pioneer Girl’ project Web site Following the announcement that the South Dakota State Historical Society (SDSHS) Press will publish Laura Ingalls Wilder’s autobiography, “Pioneer Girl,” the SDSHS Press will also launch a new Web site, pioneergirlproject.org, to accompany the book. The new Web site will document the complete project as the press works toward publishing what is almost certainly the most important book in its 15 1000 Auctions - Public 1101 Sales Large 2-Party Auction, 6-30-12, 9:30am, Platte Center, NE. Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Guns, Heesacker Realty, 402-920-0475. 1101 years of existence. “We have launched a project website because we believe that there is a large and interested audience for such a venture,” said SDSHS Press marketing director Martyn Beeny. ‘Pioneer Girl’ has never been published before, and the SDSHS Press intends to use this new platform to do justice to one of the great American writers, her autobiography and the mission to publish it.” The Web site is Announcements Events Al-Anon meets Monday night at 7:30 p.m. in St. Paul’s Church, 10 Linden Ave. Call 605-624-4166 for information. BERGEN LUTHERAN Church: “The little white church on Timber Road.” Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. BRULE Creek Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 11:00am, Sunday School 9:45am to 10:45am. CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod: Worship Sunday 6:00 p.m., Bible Study Tuesday, 9:00 p.m., Neuharth Center, 624-5398 or 1-800-998-1234 CHURCH OF CHRIST, 102 Prospect: Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.; Bible Study 9:00 a.m.; Bible Study 12:00 noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7:00 p.m. Concordia Lutheran Church (LC-MS) 7 South University Street, Vermillion. Divine Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School – Sunday, 9:20 a.m. Pastor Samuel Needham. CORNERSTONE CHURCH: Located at the corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Summer Hours: Service: Sunday - 10:00am; During school year: Impact for Kids (5-11), Wed 6:15pm-7:30pm; FCA/Impact: College Youth & Adults, Wed - 7:30pm-8:30pm. Check us out at Cornerstonesd.org or (605)624-8809. DALESBURG BAPTIST Church 30503 466th Ave., Beresford, Pastor Darren Regehr. 9:45am, Sunday School; 11:00am, Morning Worship; Mid-week Services Wednesdays, 7:00pm. (605)253-2622. Dalesburg Lutheran Church: 12 miles North of Vermillion on University Road. Worship Services 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Website: www.dalesburglutheran.org Do you have a desire to stop drinking? Join us at the Vermillion Unity AA Meetings held at Trinity Lutheran Church in the Sletwold Room (north entrance). Soaring Spirits group is Tuesdays at 7:30p.m., Happy Hour Group is Saturday at 7:30p.m., and a Steps & Traditions Study group is Sunday at 7:30p.m. All meetings are non-smoking and handicapped accessible. intended to provide a window into the writing and editing process, as well as to offer a platform for a far more in-depth and multimedia interaction with the book. The Pioneer Girl Project features original content in the form of videos with the editor, Laura Ingalls Wilder experts and others involved in the project. Additionally, written articles will be published regularly on the site, keeping everyone informed of the progress Announcements - 1101 Events Driver Licensing Schedules: Vermillion 7a.m.-5p.m. Thursday & Friday; Yankton 7a.m.-5:30p.m. Tuesday, Thurdsay & Friday; Elk Point 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday; North Sioux City 8:45a.m.-4:30p.m. 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday. Call 1-800-952-3696 or visit www.state.sd.us/dps/dl for more information. Elk Point Baptist Church. Sunday worship at 11:00am, Tuesday evening Bible study at 7:00pm. 101 North Green St., Elk Point, SD 57069. (605)222-1981 EMPOWERING YOU to take back your life. The Women Rising Support Group meeting weekly. Childcare is available upon request. Call 624-5311 for details. FAITH FELLOWSHIP of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 and Highway 19: Sunday Celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tony Armbrust, 624-2921. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH: 401 Main Street, Makell, NE. Summer Hours - Worship: 9am. Sunday School: 9am. Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays. (605)658-0240 (home) (402)-692-3323 (church). Faith United Lutheran Church, ELCA, 44874 303rd St/Po Box 168, Volin, SD 57072, (605)267-2277. S u n d a y Worship: 9:30am with Holy Communion the 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday program beginning at 6:30pm for all children 3 yrs old - 7th grade, and confirmation classes for those in grades 8th & 9th. FIRST BAPTIST Church Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor 624-6391 home, 624-4658 church. Time: 9:15 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship. Sunday Choir Practice, 11:50 a.m. GAYVILLE LUTHERAN Church: Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert. GOSPEL CHAPEL Church, 708 Jessie St./Highway 12, Newcastle, NE. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.; AWANA Wednesday at 7 p.m., 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. GRACE BAPTIST Church, SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Adult’s and Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night 7 p.m. HILLSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH (C&MA) 1800 Constance Dr. West on Cherry just before you go down the hill. Worship Sept.-May 10:30a.m., May-August 10a.m., AWANA Sunday School small groups. 6 0 5 - 6 2 4 - 4 8 6 2 , www.hillside-cc.com and what is happening behind the scenes. Other content will include photographs, illustrations and excerpts. “Readers will also have the opportunity to engage with editors at the Press and ask questions of the author in the comments sections throughout the website,” said Beeny. “The site will be updated regularly and we hope that readers will follow the SDSHS Press throughout this project.” The Pioneer Girl Announcements - 1101 Events IMMANUAL Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Is food a problem for you? Does weight affect the way you live? Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Vermillion, Saturdays at 9:00am. Sanford Vermillion Hospital, 20 South Plum. (Administration door south of hospital entrance in board room.) KOMSTAD COVENANT Church, Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: Matt Styles, Pastor. 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 563-2402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. Need a light? The Psalmist said, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Light your way in life with the word of God. World Bible School is helping millions of people around the world learn from the Bible in their own homes. Sign up today for a Free Bible course! Drop us a note at PO Box 242, Yankton, SD, 57078 or call at (605)665-6379. PLEASANT VALLEY Lutheran Church, Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. PROVIDENCE REFORMED Church, 830 Madison: Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. “We Welcome You To Historic Protestant Worship And Fellowship.” ST. AGNES Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer: St. Agnes Church and Parish Office, tele. 624-4478. St. Agnes Rectory, 505 Catalina, tele. 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday, Weekday Masses – consult weekly bulletin; Sacrament of Penance, Saturday 4-4:45p.m. Announcements - 1101 Events ST. PAUL?S Episcopal Church, corner of Main and Linden. Sunday: nursery available. 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 11:00 a.m. coffee hour. Call 624-3379 for more info. The Rev. Rita Powell, priest. Sunday evening Experience at ONE HOUR is comprised of two primary elements: powerful worship and a life-changing message. Worship at ONE HOUR is led by a talented live band in a style that is consistent with todays culture and a relevant teaching message from LifeChurch.tv’s senior pastor, Craig Groeschel, via video broadcast. The worship is intense and the teaching is challenging but the environment will be relaxed and casual. ONE HOUR on the USD Campus at the MUC, 6:30pm Sundays! www.one-hour.org The Alzheimer & Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group sponsored by the South Dakota Alzheimer’s Association, will meet the 4th Monday of each month, 7pm, at the Vermillion Public Library. Caregivers of memory loss persons are welcome to attend. Contact persons: Fern Kaufman, (605)624-4898, or Marilyn Abraham, (605)934-2534. The USD Luther Center, where church and flip-flops go together! The Luther Center, at the corner of Cherry & Plum, Vermillion, has weekly worship services on Wednesday evenings at 7p.m. and 5 Alive meal and devotional gathers on Sunday evenings at 6p.m. during the school year. The Vermillion First United Methodist Church, a welcome place reaching out to all God’s people. Located at 16 N. Dakota St., Sunday School 9:15am, Worship 10:20am. Call 624-2179 for more info. Pastor Rick Pittenger. DON’T YOU WISH ALL MEN CAME WITH A 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE? Receive Savings Up To 2250 Now! $ Project is funded in part by donations and grants from multiple sources, but most significantly from a matching grant awarded by the Great Plains Education Foundation, Inc., in Aberdeen. The funding of this project is an ongoing process, and the SDSHS Press wishes to thank its existing partners and extend the opportunity to other donors to become involved in this incredible publishing opportunity. To donate, contact Hurry Offer Ends 6/30/12 Larry’s Heating & Cooling has earned the right to be called a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer. That’s why your installation is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Free Estimates ~ Financing Available HEATING & COOLING 920 Broadway Yankton, SD • 665-9461 • 1-800-491-9461 Patricia Miller, South Dakota Historical Society Foundation, 900 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD, 57051, or telephone (605) 773-6001. The Pioneer Girl Project is online at pioneergirlproject.org. The book can be preordered for $35 (plus shipping and tax where applicable) direct from the South Dakota State Historical Society Press by contacting (605) 773-6009 or e-mailing orders@sdshspress.com. Announcements - 1101 Events TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 816 E. Clark, 624-4442: Summer Worship Schedule: Wednesday evening: 6:15pm and Sunday morning: 10:00am. Radio broadcast: Sunday morning at 10am on KVTK Radio, AM 1570, Holy communion celebrated the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month. Pastor Trisha Boese. Facebook: Trinity Lutheran - Vermillion, SD Unitarian Universalist "The Uncommon Denomination." Services are the first and third Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. in the basement of the United Church of Christ, 226 E. Main. Child care services and refreshments provided. All welcome. Info: www.unitarianvermillion.blogspot.com VISUALLY IMPAIRED meeting, 1:00 every second Monday of the month. For information 605-624-4063 or 605-653-1000. Announcements Events UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL, 226 E. Main St., Pastor Steve Miller. 10:30a.m. Worship Service. No Longer S t r a n g e r s www.uccvermillion.org Vermillion Alcoholics Anonymous Group: A fellowship of men and women banded together to help each other recover from alcoholism. Meetings are held in the Post Office basement. Closed AA on Tuesday, 8 p.m. Closed AA on Friday, 8 p.m. Vermillion Food Pantry is located at 816 E. Clark Street. Check our website to see if your family would be eligible for food assistance this month. www.vermillionfoodpantry.org Please Recycle! — USED SKID LOADERS — -LO-RATE FINANCING AVAILABLEBOBCAT S300 - CAB/AC - 2010 - NEW TIRES - POWER QT 2-SPEED.................................................................$28,500 BOBCAT S205 - 2009 - A/C - SHARP - 2-SPEED - NEW TIRES - RECONDITIONED.........................................$22,500 CASE 1830 GAS - HYDRO - 35HP - 54”.....................$5,500 JOHN DEERE 260 - CAB/HEAT - 2 SPEED - 69HP DIESEL 66” BKT..................................................................$16,900 THOMAS 175 - 62” - KUBOTA DIESEL.....................$17,500 BOBCAT 642 GAS - 35HP - 60”.................................$6,500 BOBCAT S250 - 66” - 75HP DSL.............................$19,500 BOBCAT 773 - 66” - 49HP DIESEL...........................$12,900 BOBCAT 753 - 60” - 45HP DSL - CLEAN.................$13,500 BOBCAT 371 - 42” BKT - RUNS GOOD.......................$2,950 BOBCAT 543B - 48” BKT - 27HP DIESEL...................$9,500 NEW HOLLAND LS185B - NEW TIRES - 2 SPEED HYDRO SHARP - CAB/HEAT.................................................$22,500 * NEW S185 Bobcats * IN STOCK - READY TO GO! — Both Locations — Nice Units Equipped with Cab - A/C - Heat - 2 spd BLK HTR - Power Q.Tach - HD Tires - Bucket SKID LOADER ATTACHMENTS - IN STOCK - FIT MOST MAKES • TREE SHEARS • PALLET FORKS • GRAPPLE FORKS • BUCKETS • HYD POST AUGERS • BALE SPEARS SALES - PARTS - SERVICE SEE US FOR THE FULL LINE OF TOUGH BOBCAT EQUIPMENT

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