
Broadcaster Press 05
June 26, 2012 www.broadcasteronline.com
Soldiers improve Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup corral
By Spc. Manda Walters
129th Mobile Public Affairs
Soldiers of the U.S. Army
Reserve’s 486th Engineer
Company, of Southfield,
Mich., completed
renovations at the Custer
State Park buffalo corral
complex, as part of a Golden
Coyote infrastructure project
June 17.
The 28th annual Golden
Coyote exercise provides
relevant training
opportunities for active-duty
military, National Guard, and
Reserve units. The Reservists
used military occupational
specialties to engineer
multiple projects at the site
to include: demolishing old
fencing, trenching 800 feet of
earth, installing electrical
components and fixtures,
emplacing water lines and
installing freeze-proof
hydrants and geothermal
“This is the first year the
buffalo corral has been on
the Golden Coyote project
list,” said Jayme Severyn,
who has worked as the
Custer State Park Golden
Coyote project liaison for the
past five years. “The work of
these service members will
make the buffalo roundup
more efficient this year.”
The buffalo roundup is an
annual fall event at the park
that herds approximately
1,300 buffalo into corrals.
The corral is a holding pen
for animals during veterinary
checks and auctions.
“Until now, the water had
to be hand carried in buckets
to the corral,” said Severyn.
“The water line the engineers
put in makes it easier to get
the water to the animals.”
The 16 to 22 engineers
who were on-site daily
completed the water line and
other projects during the
four-day mission at the
“Mission failure was not
an option,” said 1st Lt. Brian
Jutila, the 486th officer-incharge of the buffalo corral
worksite. “These dedicated
Soldiers take tremendous
pride in their work. They
spent countless hours here at
the buffalo corral complex,
even after evening release, to
make sure this project was
on time and finished.”
Jutila said the dedication
of these Soldiers, combined
with the U.S. Army’s
established standards in
military decision making
processes, positive risk
management and closed-loop
learning process, contributed
to the success of the project.
“The closed-loop learning
process helps us to identify
solutions to problems that
arise at the worksite,” said
At the buffalo corral
worksite, the Soldiers met
the obstacle of finding a
water main and had a chance
to utilize the closed-loop
learning process.
“We added numerous
unplanned man-hours to
search for an existing water
line,” said Jutila. The 486th
has learned from the
“Using the closed-loop
learning process we
identified a solution to the
problem of finding a water
main,” said Jutila. “We
brainstormed and came up
with the idea that we could
use ground- penetrating
sonar if we confront a similar
problem on future missions.”
The Golden Coyote
exercise has improved the
unit’s mission readiness by
providing hands-on
experience and opportunities
for Soldiers to brainstorm
and find solutions, said
The platoon of engineers,
comprised of 39 members,
finished the project while
also alternating Soldiers
through combat training
Park visitors can see the
work of the 486th in use this
year at the Custer State Park
Buffalo Roundup scheduled
for Sept. 24.
Cases Disposed 06/814/2012
Stephanie L. Hardy,
604 S. Clearbrock Avenue,
Sioux Falls; Speeding on
four-lane in rural areas,
$39.00 plus costs
Daniel Rogan, 415 W.
15th #14, Yankton;
County speeding, $59.00
plus costs
Risa Sanborn, 102 N.
Plum St., Vermillion;
Theft by insufficient
funds check, dismissed
John Bazemore, 116 W.
Broadway, Vermillion;
Speeding other roadways,
$59.00 plus costs
Erin Ann Williams,
1332 Crestview Dr.,
Watertown; Speeding
other roadways, $19.00
plus costs
Kevin C. Mathisen, 206
N Plum, Vermillion;
Failure to stop, $54.00
plus costs
Elaine Kay Lane, 1600
E. 39th St., Yankton;
County speeding, $39.00
plus costs
Sean Franklin Sands,
221 17th Ave., Brookings;
Speeding on state
highway, $19.00 plus costs
Nicholas M. Fasanella,
500 N. Dakota St.,
Vermillion; Speed on
four-lane in rural areas,
$39.00 plus costs
Barbara Wigton, 433
Cottage, Vermillion;
Possess two ounces of
marijuana or less,
recharged; Use or
possession of drug
paraphernalia, dismissed;
Possess two ounces if
marijuana or less,
Ryan Bradley Leaf, 115
Sycamore #3, Vermillion;
Speeding other roadways,
$39.00 plus costs
Robert Angelo
Sandilla, 6715 Cahill Rd.,
Edina, MN; Speeding
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Wendy Sue Knutson,
30057 Frog Creed Rd.,
Wakonda; Speeding other
roadways, $19.00 plus
Andrew Lee Stiles,
2308 Cedar Terrace,
Yankton; Possess two
ounces of marijuana or
less, dismissed; Ingest
intoxicant other than
alcoholic beverage*,
$666.00 plus costs; Use or
possession of drug
paraphernalia*, dismissed;
*This offense may have
been previously reported
as having been disposed
Ryan Lee Mockler, 515
Bulow, Vermillion;
Urinating in public,
$104.00 plus costs
Maria A. Rodriguez,
1010 S. Main Street,
Aberdeen; Speeding on
state highway, $39.00 plus
Andrew Noel Bubak,
921 Tom Street,
Vermillion; Open
alcoholic beverage
container accessible in
vehicle, $54.00 plus costs
Diane Himes, 45510
Cottonwood St.,
Meckling; Failure to make
proper stop at stop
intersection, $54.00 plus
Ryan Lee Mockler, 515
Bulow, Vermillion; Throw
match or burning object
from vehicle, $54.00 plus
Donald Dean Headley,
518 Burton Street, Sioux
City, IA; Speeding other
roadways, $39.00 plus
Scott Plueger, 13296
Hickory Ave., Lemars, IA;
Speeding other roadways,
$39.00 plus costs
Tanner Paul Solomon,
703 Main Street,
Newcastle, NE;
e/possess tobacco under
18, $26.00 plus costs
Kyle Patrick Johnson,
46913 Burbank Rd.,
Burbank; Operate
motorcycle without
proper eye protection,
Lacy Lynn Vannorsdel,
45515 288th, Viborg;
Open alcoholic beverage
container accessible in
vehicle, $54.00 plus costs
Wendy Johnson, 45646
W. S.D. Highway 50,
Meckling; Speeding other
roadways, $59.00 plus
Maryann J. Cummins,
1037 Oxford Hill road,
Ofallon, IL; Speeding
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Roger William
Delaney, 201 N.
University Rd.,
Vermillion; Speeding
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Alan C. Vlasman, 2735
Butterwood Lane,
Bloomington, IN;
Speeding other roadways,
$59.00 plus costs
Kimber L. Reins, 221
Lewis St., Vermillion;
Speeding other roadways,
$39.00 plus costs
James Mullinix,
Vermillion; No drivers
license, $54.00 plus costs;
Seat belt violation, $25.00
John Walker, 603 S.
Norbeck Street,
Vermillion; Seat belt
violation, $25.00
Troy Vernon Moe, 805
Radcliffe Circle,
Vermillion; Seat belt
violation, $25.00
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