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04 Broadcaster Press June 26, 2012 www.broadcasteronline.com Steve Mayer helps USD’s new wellness center run smoothly Spotlight On By Travis Gulbrandson travis.gulbrandson@plaintalk.net By the time the University of South Dakota Wellness Center opened its doors in January 2011, its director had already been working in Vermillion for nearly two decades. Steve Mayer came to USD as the intramural coordinator of the DakotaDome and eventually became campus recreation director, a position he held until his current role. The Mitchell native said his favorite part of the past 20 years has been his interaction with the students. “Whether it’s the students that work for us, or the students that come in and enjoy the facility,” he said. Mayer added the he himself enjoys “knowing that we have a showcase building on campus that is a great outlet for students and a great venue for our members.” The USD Wellness Center boasts dozens of pieces of cardiovascular equipment, two basketball courts, two racquetball courts, one multi-purpose activity court, two fitness rooms and a three-lane jogging track. Perhaps the most memorable feature of the 61 square foot facility is its 38-foot climbing wall. As director, it’s Mayer’s job to see that everything keeps running smoothly. “I manage a full-time staff – a graduate assistant staff and more than 100 student employees,” he said. He also manages the facility itself as far as maintenance, budget and scheduling. “It’s been great,” Mayer said of the past year and a half. “It’s evolving – I think we’re still learning today what’s best for the students and the members, but it’s been very successful. “I’ve had a lot of positive comments, and students that were here DAKOTA SENIOR MEALS Served at the Main Street Center and Town Square, “Meals on Wheels.” Please call before 9 a.m. to schedule or cancel a meal at 624-7868. Menus listed below are for the week of June 26-29. Menus are subject to change without notice. All menus are served with whole grain bread and 1% milk, unless otherwise noted. Tuesday - Enchilada Pie, Tomato on Lettuce, Buttered Squash, Fruit Wednesday - Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes Why settle for just a slice When 100% of your retail market receives The Broadcaster. The Broadcaster is the primary medium successful businesses have used to reach their customers for over 50 years. Your Broadcaster carries more advertising than all other local media combined. And, like our customers, we continue to grow. Broadcaster 201 W. Cherry St. 624-4429 w/Gravy, Harvard Beets, Peaches Thursday - Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Peas, Tossed Salad, French Bread, Peaches Friday - Ham, Sweet Potato, Peas, Pears Monday - N/A when they had to work out at the DakotaDome realize what they have now is so much better,” he said. Mayer said that he loves the Dome, but stressed that it was designed primarily as an athletic facility for hosting practices and events. “Students deserved their own facility that was open at 5 a.m. to midnight,” he said. “That gives them plenty of options to work out with. It fits their needs, and it also fits the different dynamics of all of our community members.” If the weekly swipe counts are any indication, both students and community members are appreciative of the facility. “During our peak times – January, February, March – we were averaging 7,500 to 8,000 swipes a week,” Mayer said. “Now, in the summertime, it’s closer to 2,200 or 2,300. We’re probably in the slowest period now. Once we get to August it’ll start going up again.” Mayer said he’s looking forward to it. For more information about the USD Wellness Center, visit http://www.usd.edu/camp us-life/studentservices/wellness-center/. OAKWOOD APARTMENTS • AFFORDABLE RENT ADJUSTMENT FOR YOUR INCOME • LARGE 2 AND 3 BEDROOM RENTAL UNITS • STOVE, REFRIGERATOR & AIR CONDITIONING • OFF-STREET PARKING AND PLUG-INS • UTILITIES INCLUDED • ON-SITE COIN LAUNDRY • PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & SAND BOX • 3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS CALL NIKKI OR DAVE (605) 624-9557

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