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08 Broadcaster Press June 26, 2012 www.broadcasteronline.com Yankton firm continues internship programs KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens is pleased to announce the continuation of its summer internship programs. This year’s interns – Daniel Filsinger of Clearwater, NE, Cady Millage of Fordyce, NE, and Paul Melino of Sioux Falls – are the recipients of the internship, which was instituted last summer, said Lisa Carson, marketing manager for KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens. The internship program is designed to give outstanding students a chance to hone skills learned in the classroom and apply them in a realworld business setting. Carson plans to develop the internship program as an ongoing strategy to recruit the best and brightest marketing students to KPIJCI and Astec Mobile Screens. “I am very excited about continuing the internship program,” Carson said. “After the success of last year’s interns, I am confident we will be able to build upon the foundation we’ve set and continue benefitting from the talent of the students; and more importantly, build upon their professional experience and skills.” Filsinger, a return intern from last summer, is a senior at Mount Marty College (MMC) in Yankton and is pursuing a dual degree in graphic design and media arts and business administration. He is involved in numerous extracurricular activities and serves as president of the MMC Student Government Association. His background in business will be used to create market share reports and research opportunities for prospective buyers. Filsinger’s design skills will also be put to use through the development of new materials for dealer support. “I am excited to return to KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens. I truly enjoyed last summer and grew as a designer and a business professional,” Filsinger said. Millage is a senior at Dordt College in Sioux Center and will graduate December 2012. She is majoring in digital media productions, with an interest in marketing. After graduation, Millage plans to search for a career in the marketing field. Her background in video production will be utilized to expand the marketing department’s viral traffic, particularly for The Road Connection, a year-long campaign to improve the nation’s infrastructure. “I look forward to learning everything possible from the internship with the Marketing department. At the same time, my hope is that my digital media background will add something valuable to the team,” she said. Melino will be entering into his last year at Southeast Technical Institute in Sioux Falls. After the completion of the year, he will receive his associates degree in computer aided design. Melino heard about the internship through Southeast Technical Institute’s Engineering Chairman, Lloyd Lunde. He will be aiding the engineering department by updating and drafting designs. The internship program will run through the summer and conclude in August. Applications for the 2013 internship program will be due spring 2013. Please e-mail Lisa Carson for more details regarding the internship program. For more information on KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens, visit www.kpijci.com. Mount Rushmore ceremony casts light on future leaders By 1st Lt. Aaron Gatzke 196th Regiment (Regional Training Institute) One hundred and nineteen officer candidates journeyed to Mount Rushmore National Memorial Friday, June 15, to observe the evening lighting ceremony and to celebrate successfully completing the first phase of their training to become second lieutenants. This class of officer candidates has just completed two weeks of intense leadership training at Fort Meade as part of the 196th Regiment, Regional Training Institute’s Officer Candidate School. Candidates from 17 states and Guam completed their End of Phase ceremony just hours before and have been granted a brief respite before moving on. Saturday, the candidates will part ways; some will travel home to complete phase two as traditional candidates, which means one weekend a month. The majority will continue fulltime for another six weeks to complete the course this summer. Candidates were able to attend the evening lighting ceremony, many for the first time. The ceremony was hosted by park staff, and included a history of the presidents featured on the monument. The ceremony also brought an unexpected surprise for seven of the Ladies... “Wind” Down Wednesday The last Wednesday of every month Beginning June 27th 108 W. 3rd, Downtown Yankton candidates – the opportunity to “retire the colors.” Jacobsen was assisted by six other candidates in taking down the flag: Justin Ollerich, Sioux Falls, Marc Sternin, Azusa, CA, Jeffery Conley, Hurricane, WV, Jennifer Henderson, Spokane, WA, Preston Miller, Puyallup, WA, and Leslie Kingery of Denver, member of the Wyoming ARNG. Candidates will spend Saturday performing administrative functions and getting ready for the next phase. Candidates who have completed phase-one training elsewhere will join them, returning to regular training schedule on the June 17. So far, the candidates have been tested by land navigation, academics and a five-mile road march, all while assigned leadership duties during those challenges. Not all of the candidates that started have completed phase one, reflecting the demanding nature of the course. The candidates have been training around the clock since their arrival, making the down time at Mount Rushmore valuable. They have not been allowed to have any contact with their family, aside from mail candidates were allowed to retrieve their cell phones from the “contraband” locker Thursday night to begin charging batteries. Many candidates did their best to completely drain batteries calling loved ones they had not spoken to for two weeks. The End of Phase ceremony also brought a change in leadership for the second phase. OCS Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Mark Harder, will transfer authority to the incoming commander, Lt. Col. Robert Bjornson, Alabama Army National Guard, for the next two weeks. Command Sgt. Maj. Russel Young will be replaced by Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Couser at the OCS Battalion. • WANTED • Old Vehicles • Farm Machinery • Scrap Iron PAYING TOP DOLLAR State Historical Society celebrates 150th anniversary of Homestead Act The year 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the Homestead Act, and the South Dakota State Historical Society is commemorating the event with three displays in the South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre. A display case in the lobby of the center has items from the State Historical SocietyArchives, including photographs of homesteaders, a homestead certificate, a homestead register book, and maps showing the lands open to settlement. There is also a case featuring homesteading-related books in the archives research room. The displays will be up through mid-November. The center’s education room contains “The Homestead Series,” an exhibit of 12 watercolor paintings by Midwest artist Judy Thompson depicting the homesteading movement and life on the prairie in the 1860s. This exhibit runs through Sept. 9. The Homestead Act was signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and made public domain land available to private citizens. Adults 21 years of age and over could claim 160 acres of land. After five years of living on the land and making improvements, a homesteader could “prove up” and take legal possession of the land. The total fee for the land was $18, but the time and effort put forth by the homesteaders was arduous. The Homestead Act remained in effect until 1976, affecting 30 states. The museum in the Cultural Heritage Center is open 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. CDT Monday through Saturday and 1-4:30 p.m. Sundays and most holidays. Call (605) 7733458 for more information or visit www.history.sd.gov/Mus eum. HOME FOR SALE 325 S. University, Vermillion, SD This spacious home has a prime location being close to the elementary school, University campus, City pool, parks and bike path. A wonderful place for children to grow up! Bedrooms: 3 (master bedroom w/ walk-in shower and deck/Jacuzzi entrance); Baths: 2 full; main level laundry; Floors: 1.5; front covered open porch; Square footage: 1947; Lot size: 1.5. Amenities: Handicap accessible; beautiful gas fireplace w/remote; central heating (95% efficient); central air (13 Ser); energy efficient on demand water heater; carpeted, wood & tile floors; ceiling fans in most rooms; Rainbird sprinkler system; utility shed; attached garage (ac/& heated; floor drain; automatic door opener & running water). Upgrades: remodeled living room & dining room; kitchen floor; refinished wood floors; new wiring throughout. Fully furnished optional: Less than 2 year old appliances and furnishings; Jacuzzi. BEST OFFER Call 402- 841-1060 For Price For inquiries contact Tim Hannahs at (605) 670-2030 or (605) 670-3157

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