072914_YKBP_A 5.pdf

Broadcaster Press 05
July 29, 2014 www.broadcasteronline.com
07/14/14 14:25 – A
local restaurant’s alcohol
license was not renewed
because of unpaid taxes.
The owner was contacted
and warned not to sell or
possess alcohol until their
license was reissued.
07/15/14 15:29 – An
anonymous caller
reported underage people
drinking at a local
restaurant. Officers
responded and did an ID
check and found two
young women underage
and drinking alcohol.
Both were cited.
07/15/14 18:33 – Caller
reported her estranged
spouse was pounding on
the door to her residence.
She was fearful and
hiding from him. Officers
found him in the
residence, which he was
not a resident of, he was
intoxicated and admitted
to driving to the
residence. He was
arrested for domestic
assault and DWI.
07/16/14 01:53 –
Officers stopped a car,
which was driving with
no headlights. The driver
was intoxicated and was
07/16/14 13:43 –
Officers assisted another
agency in making a death
07/17/14 01:12 –
Callers reported two
drunken men might be
trying to drive away from
downtown. Officers
responded and contacted
the men who were clearly
intoxicated and warned
not to drive. A short time
later an officer saw the
men’s truck pull away
from where it had been
parked and stopped it.
The driver was
intoxicated and was
arrested. The passenger
was angry about the
situation and would not
leave and was threatening
toward the arresting
officers. He was
eventually arrested for
obstructing an officer.
07/17/14 12:46 – Caller
requested officers check
on a residence where the
power had been turned
off and there were small
children living at the
residence. Inspection
revealed the tenants in
question had moved out
of the residence the
previous day.
07/17/14 14:45 – Fraud
Alert: Complainant
received a call from a
vendor claiming to be
selling medical alert
necklaces for $30-$40 a
month. The
Vendor/Suspect then
needed bank account
information for complete
the transaction. Beware
of phone solicitations
that require you to
provide banking
information or credit
card information.
07/17/14 16:59 – A
local business reported
catching a shoplifter.
Officers investigated and
the suspect admitted to
stealing the items, which
totaled $165. The suspect
was charged with theft.
07/17/14 23:03 – Caller
called and wanted to
report his EBT card
stolen. Officers were tied
up on another call and
were not able to respond
until 50 minutes later. At
that point the caller
would not answer his
phone and when officers
arrived at his house and
knocked on the door, the
lights turned out and he
would not answer the
07/18/14 13:56 – Caller
reported his roommate
had taken his remotes to
his electronics and hid
them. The roommate
denied having the
remotes or hiding them.
Another friend found the
remotes in the residence
and returned them to the
caller. Both parties have
had several calls where
they accuse the other of
taking their property.
Neither party is willing to
move out.
07/18/14 19:23 –
Officers responded to a
911 hang-up call. The
caller stated he had
accidentally hit the
emergency button on his
phone and there was no
problem. The caller also
had a warrant for his
arrest and was arrested by
a deputy.
07/18/14 20:22 –
Complainant requested
officer contact her exhusband and warn him
not to call during ours
that were restricted on
their court agreement or
she would pursue a court
order. Officers passed on
the message.
07/18/14 23:12 – Caller
reported a verbal
domestic escalating.
Officers contacted the
parties and found that
one was intoxicated and
the two had argued. No
violence had occurred
and the officers stood by
until the intoxicated man
opted to walk home.
07/19/14 00:03 – Caller
called 911 and reported
an assault by her
boyfriend and then hung
up. Officers tracked the
source of the call and
investigated. The caller
was located at a social
gathering and claimed
she had been in a fight
with a woman who had
left and she did not know.
There were no statements
or evidence to
contradicted the woman’s
07/19/14 09:24 – Caller
reported finding a small
child wandering without
a parent. Officers
responded and a short
time later found the
child’s mother who was
out looking for the child.
07/19/14 10:22 – A 911
hang-up call was
received. Officers
investigated and located
the source of the call at a
residence. A couple had
been arguing and the
woman had called 911
and then changed her
mind and hung up and
would not answer
returned calls. Both
parties denied any
physical altercation.
07/19/14 11:28 – Caller
reported some of her
prescription medication
was missing and she
accused a housemate of
stealing them. Officer
responded and after a
brief search found the
missing medication in a
bag. The housemate
denied any involvement.
07/19/14 13:50 – Caller
requested officer check
on a neighbor child, who
was screaming. The child
had been disciplined by
her parent for throwing a
book at a child and was
throwing a tantrum. No
further action.
07/19/14 21:27 –
Officers contacted two
men after seeing one of
them urinating on the
side of the road. The men
had been drinking and
one was underage and
was cited.
Total Records: 20
N. University Street,
Vermillion; Operator
assure passengers 5-18
wear seat belts, $25.00
Jacob Allen Baker, 112
S. Garfield Avenue, Sioux
Falls; Use or possession of
drug paraphernalia,
$204.00 plus costs
Stacy Dawn
Breidenbach, 1309 W.
Stonegate Dr., Sioux Falls;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Jayce Whipple, 131
Prentis Ave., Vermillion;
No drivers license, $54.00
plus costs
Judge Tami Bern
Marion Lee Boyce,
1031 W. Clark Street,
Vermillion; Disorderly
conduct, $100.00 plus
costs, 30 days jail
suspended based on the
conditions of the court
Nicholas Patrick
Hopson, 215 Pine Street,
Vermillion; Reckless
driving, $350.00 plus
costs; No proper license
plates on vehicle,
Jeremie Boyd, 1205
Ferdig Avenue, Yankton;
Simple assault, dismissed
Prettysoundingflute, 198
Bullhead Street, Lower
Brule; Driving under
influence-1st offense,
dismissed; Open
alcoholic beverage
container accessible in
vehicle, dismissed; No
drivers license, dismissed
Judge Cheryle Gering
Kristopher Chalmers,
447 N. Plum #9,
Vermillion; Aggravated
assault, $800.00 plus
costs, 8 years jail
suspended based on the
conditions of the court;
First degree burglary,
dismissed; First degree
burglary, dismissed
Kristopher Chalmers,
447 N. Plum #9,
Vermillion; Failure to
register as sex offender,
$500.00 plus costs, two
years jail suspended based
on the conditions of the
court; Habitual offender,
Michael Plentyhorse,
447 N. Plum #9,
Vermillion; Aggravated
assault, $800.00 plus
costs, conditions of the
court; First degree
burglary, dismissed; First
degree burglary,
Prettysoundingflute, 198
Bullhead Street, Lower
Brule; Unauthorized
ingestion of controlled
substance, court costs,
four years jail, three
suspended based on the
conditions of the court;
Habitual offender,
Cases Disposed 7/1117/2014
Todd Mellenberndt,
207 W. Sweetwater Creek
Drive, Longwood, FL;
Insufficient funds check
3rd degree, $100 or less,
Todd Dean
Mellenberndt, 207 W.
Sweetwater Creek Drive,
Longwood, FL;
Insufficient funds check
3rd degree, $100 or less,
Todd Dean
Mellenberndt, 207 W.
Sweetwater Creek Drive,
Longwood, FL;
Insufficient funds check
3rd degree, $100 or less,
Todd Dean
Mellenberndt, 207 W.
Sweetwater Creek Drive,
Longwood, FL;
Insufficient funds check
3rd degree, $100,
Daniel Lee Wieman,
30817 456th Ave., Volin;
Commercial vehicle
plates, $104.00 plus costs
Gary Lee Koble, 2611
Pettersen Rd., Vermillion;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Cora Van Olson, 801
Maple Street, Yankton;
Passengers between 14-18
required to wear seat
belts, $25.00
Harlan J. Knutson,
30014 Frog Creek Road,
Wakonda; Speeding on a
state highway, $39.00 plus
Kevin C. Pons, 805
James Place, Yankton;
Speeding on other
roadways, $39.00 plus
Nancy Elizabeth
Matcha, 31018 434th
Ave., Yankton; Speeding
on other roadways,
$39.00 plus costs
Austin Dane Crom,
402 Iowa Street, Concord,
NE; Open alcohol
beverage container
accessible in vehicle,
Ryan Lunz, 503 Cedar
St., Laurel, NE; Open
alcohol beverage
container accessible in
vehicle, dismissed
Brandon Ross Abts,
86990 Highway 116,
Dixon, NE; Open
alcoholic beverage
container accessible in
vehicle, dismissed
Melanie N. Crisman,
4725 Valley Street,
One & two bedroom
apartments. Scotland
Apartments, 821 Main St.
Scotland, SD 57059.
Laundry. Rental assistance
available to those who
qualify. For appointments or
applications please call
605-624-5218 or visit
Equal Housing Opportunity
Omaha, NE; Speeding on
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Austin E. Wurtz, PO
Box 384, Hurley;
Speeding on other
roadways, $39.00 plus
Jonas Kleinhaus, 2400
Kenwood Manor #14,
Vermillion; Speeding on
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Maria Guadalupe
Reynoso, 7509 W. Stoney
Creek, Sioux Falls;
Speeding on a state
highway, $59.00 plus
Kenneth W. Avant,
30034 SD Highway 50,
Dante; Following too
closely, $54.00 plus costs
Austin August
Dewayne Kirsch, 5117 E.
Blue Ridge Dr., Sioux
Falls; Speeding on other
roadways, $59.00 plus
Shana M. Dillon, 4536
W. Judson Drive, New
River, AZ; Municipal
speeding, $39.00 plus
Dakota Daniel Clark,
4100 Shoreline Dr. #206,
Spring Park, MN;
Speeding on a state
highway, $59.00 plus
Judith A. Wininger,
27668 484th Ave.,
Canton; Municipal
speeding, $59.00 plus
Michael W. Akins,
1119 Rustin, Sioux City,
IA; Seat belt violation,
Kayla M. Munger, 407
Fletcher Ave. #9, Lincoln,
NE; Failure to stop,
$54.00 plus costs
Waseem Mazher, 13
Sharmont Drive,
Hattisburg, MS; Fail to
stop after accident with
unattended vehicle,
$54.00 plus costs
Pedro Vega, Jr., 1018
Morningside Ave., Sioux
City, IA; Seat belt
violation, $25.00
Larry David Gleiser,
6201 Morningside Ave.,
Sioux City, IA; Speeding
on a state highway, $59.00
plus costs
Kelsey Ann Woolery,
105 W. Mary St.,
Kranzburg; Municipal
speeding, $19.00 plus
Ronnie Dion Mincks,
833 E. Duke #119,
Vermillion; Operator
assure passengers 5-18
wear seat belts, $25.00
Derek Michael Harold
Schmidt, 920 Burleigh St.,
Yankton; Violation
stopped vehicle with
signals/lights, $54.00 plus
Shumit Patel, 445 N.
Plum, Vermillion;
Speeding on other
roadways, $39.00 plus
Lauren Elizabeth
Graves, 645 Augusta
Circle, Yankton; Speeding
on other roadways,
$59.00 plus costs
Mark C. Sescilla, 13722
Freddi Road, Rathdrum,
ID; Speeding on a state
highway, $39.00 plus
Mitchell C. St. Pierre,
205 S. 1st Street,
Beresford; Seat belt
violation, $25.00
Angelica MaganaValdovinos, 429 W. 27th
St., S. Sioux City, NE;
Illegal lane change,
$54.00 plus costs
Paul James Goeden,
609 S. Main, Lennox;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Dillon W. Switzer,
45816 SD Highway 46,
Centerville; Seat belt
violation, $25.00
Nikki Van Westen, 651
3rd St. SE, Wagner;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Adam Rizzio, 122 S.
Walker St., Vermillion;
Speed on four-lane in
rural areas, $39.00 plus
Alexander Joseph
Hammerstrom, 1309 E.
Clark Apt. 104,
Vermillion; Renewal
registration during
assigned month, $54.00
plus costs
Carson Christopher
Schilling, 605 W. 17th St.,
Sioux Falls; Speeding on a
state highway, $39.00 plus
Debra Ann Cook,
12514 Sunview Drive, St.
Louis, MO; Speeding on a
state highway, $39.00 plus
Brian Lamson Corner,
46780 Valerie Pl., Tea;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Tyler James Tjeerdsma,
213 S. Sunshine Ave.,
Brandon; Speeding on a
state highway, $39.00 plus
Heather Ann Rist,
45950 249th St.,
Centerville; Speeding on
a state highway, $39.00
plus costs
Tina Marie Privett,
3013 Francis St., Yankton;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Jenny Lynn Shadden,
2119 Avenue F., Council
Bluffs, IA; Speeding on
other roadways, $39.00
plus costs
Jaylen Ryan Dickau,
47823 296th St., Alcester;
Speeding on a state
highway, $19.00 plus
Lee C. McCahren, 114