072914_YKBP_A 13.pdf

Broadcaster Press 13
July 29, 2014 www.broadcasteronline.com
Eric Kurtz, Ph.D., named
new LEND director
The Center for
Disabilities has named Dr.
Eric Kurtz as the new
Leadership Education in
Neurodevelopmental and
Related Disabilities
(LEND) director. He
succeeds Dr. Joanne Van
Osdel, who retired in July.
The South Dakota
LEND program is housed
within the Center for
Disabilities at the
University of South Dakota
Sanford School of
There are currently 43
LEND programs in 37
states. LEND provides
long-term graduate level
specialized training which
focuses on the
interdisciplinary training of
professionals for leadership
roles in the provision of
health and
services to
children and
with neurodevelopKurtz
mental and
disabilities and their
families. The South Dakota
LEND Program is
supported by a grant from
the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau.
Kurtz has previously
served as the Center’s
Clinical Operations director,
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Program director, Discipline
Head for Autism and Related
Disorders with LEND, and is
assistant professor of
He has several years of
clinical experience
providing specialized
psychological services in
clinical, school, and
forensic settings.
“LEND graduates are
aware of a broader, interconnected health care
dynamic, and understand
the need for familyoriented, culturally
sensitive and
interdisciplinary services,”
said Kurtz. “I look forward
to this new opportunity to
lead the LEND program
and work to prepare the
next generation of
healthcare and related
service professionals.”
For more information
about the Center for
Disabilities and LEND, go
to www.usd.edu/cd.
Library will host
Green Living Festival
Saturday afternoon
The Edith B. Siegrist
Vermillion Public Library
will host The Green Living
Festival on Saturday, July
26, from 1-2:30 p.m.
This event will begin
with a short presentation
by Meghann Jarchow,
sustainability coordinator
from the University of
South Dakota, followed by
an open house where tables
will be hosted by area
vendors and participants.
Visitors can learn
about new sustainable
products, sample
homemade foods using
local produce, and gather
information about plants,
herbs and beekeeping.
Participants include
God's Green Earth,
Greening Vermillion,
Heikes Family Farm, HyVee, Irish Twin Soaps,
Members of the VHS Dance Inferno are, (front) Cheyenne Mallory, Kylee Retzlaff, Hailey
Freidel, Teddi Settles, Jessie Brady, Shantel French, Sophia Taggart, Tomalyn Peckham, and
(back) Emily Schmitz, Alex Rosdail, Chloe Nielsen, Morgan Halverson, Kayla Stammer, Lauren
Bern, Rachel Finnegan. Not pictured is Sowmya Ragothaman. Dance Inferno is coached by
Joni Freidel and Kelsey Nelson.
(Submitted photo)
VHS Dance Inferno
takes home top awards
Des Moines, IA – The
Vermillion High School
dance team Dance Inferno
attended a Just for Kix
summer dance camp at
Drake University in Des
Moines, IA this past week.
The team came home with
several awards including a
trophy for Best Hometown
Prairie Moon Herbs,
Sharing the Dream,
The camp had dancers
Vermillion Community
in attendance from all over
Garden and the
the Midwest including
Vermillion Farmers
teams from Iowa,
The event will be held in Minnesota and South
Dakota. Dance Inferno
the Kozak Room in the
worked on their skills and
library, located at 18
learned several new
Church St. in Vermillion.
routines that will be used
For more information
for performances
call the library at (605)
throughout the year.
Senior and tri-captain
Hailey Freidel thought the
best aspect of camp was the
unity it brought to the team.
"I am so happy with
how close we became as a
team over the duration of
camp," Freidel said. “It is
already showing how much
we have improved and how
we have become a family.”
Inferno’s overall
improvement is shown in
the number of awards
brought home by the team.
In addition to Best
Hometown Performance,
they also earned a
Firecracker Award, a Most
Outstanding Dancer, Best
Team Spirit (day one of
camp), a finalist for Best
Kick Performance, Best
Turning and Best Toetouch.
Dance Coach Joni
Freidel was pleased with
the awards, but happier
with the learning
experience for the team.
“Although I was very
proud when our team won
the Hometown
Performance award, I was
more proud of how they
bonded, how they helped
each other and how hard
they worked,” she said.
This is Dance Inferno’s
second year attending a Just
for Kix dance camp. Inferno’s
first performance of the
season will be at the VHS
Booster Bash in August.
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Broadcaster Press. It’s a great way to
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Tell them you saw it
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******ALL TILLABLE******
August 4th 9:30 a.m.
Located: May?eld: 3 miles North, 3 miles West; OR from
intersection of US Hwy 81 & Hwy 46: 3 miles North, 1 mile
East. Will be sold on the corner of 441st Ave and 294th
LEGAL: The SW ¼ of Sec 17-96-55, Yankton County,
South Dakota. 156 taxable acres. Taxes are $2,906.26.
The FSA Of?ce shows 154.18 acres of cropland with a corn
base of 77.1 with a CC yield of 115bu and a soybean base of
77 with a CC yield of 37bu. Predominant soil type is ClarnoBonilla Loams with 1 to 6% slope with a crop productivity
rating of 80. This is a very nice tract of land that is mostly
all tillable and has a good hard surface road on the south
side. It would make a great investment or add on to your
current farming operation.
TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment due day of
auction with the balance due on closing of Dec 1, 2014.
Title insurance and closing costs will be split 50/50 between
the buyer and seller. Yankton Title Co is the closing agent.
Seller will pay taxes through Dec 31, 2014. Possession on
March 1, 2015. Auctioneers are acting as agents for the
Laura Abbott Kribell, Owner
Quality Workmanship,
Reasonable Rates
Since 1983
CLINT TUCKER • 624-4621
Monday August 11th 9:30 a.m.
Located: The corner of Highway 50 Bypass &
317th St., Vermillion, SD (1/2 Mile East of the
Dakota Dome)
This is a fantastic 44 acres that is not only a high
producing farm, but holds great potential for future
development. This farm is all tillable except for 1.6
acres that is currently into CRP The CRP contract
ends 9-30-2023 with a payment of $363 per year.
Buyer must agree to ful?ll the contract. This farm
is currently into 3rd year alfalfa. It has had crops
rotated prior to the alfalfa. This is a well cared for
tract of land that has been graded for drainage.
Predominant soil type is Trent-Tetonka-Wakonda
complex with a zero to 3% slope. Productively
rating of 82%. The tract that is being sold is North
of the tree line, please refer to the map.
TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment
due day of auction with closing date of Sept
11, 2014. Possession on March 1, 2015. Title
insurance and closing costs will be split 50/50
between buyer and seller. Clay County Abstract &
Title Co is the closing agent. Taxes will be paid
through Dec 31, 2014 by the sellers. Auctioneers
are acting as agents for the sellers. Approximate
taxes are $981.55.
LEGAL: S1/2 SW1/4 and in the S1/2 SE1/4,
Sec 7-91-51. Correct legal description to be
determined by survey.
David A. Heikes &
R. Sam Heikes, Owners
Marv Girard, BA #12399; Ken Girard, CAI,
AARE Broker #10183; Mike Girard, CAI, BA
#13549; Scott Moore Auctioneer 5#11031;
Mike Manning, BA #11605
Marv Girard, BA #12399; Ken Girard, CAI,
AARE Broker #10183; Mike Girard, CAI, BA
#13549; Scott Moore Auctioneer 5#11031;
Mike Manning, BA #11605
August 6th
1:00 pm: Elementary School, 202 Nebraska St. – Wakonda, SD
5:00 pm: High School, 130 E. State St. – Irene, SD
Wakonda Location at 1:00 pm –
Kitchen/Cafeteria equip: Blodgett convection oven; LP
gas kitchen stove; (2) refrigerators; salad bar; cafeteria
tables; misc. kitchen equipment.
Classroom/Of?ce Equip: white boards; chalk boards;
wood & metal tables; ?le cabinets; periodic table; card
?le; podiums; music stands; piano; desk; misc. chairs;
TV carts & stands; wood & metal cabinets; wood shelves
Misc.: Advance ?oor scrubber; portable AC; weight
equipment; LP tank fence enclosure; (2) pallets brick;
football ?eld lights w/poles; gym lights; gym wall pads;
fans; boiler; bleacher boards; several lockers; much more
misc. on auction day.
Irene Location at 5:00 pmVehicles & Buses: 2003 Chevy Venture Van, 127K
miles; 2000 Ford Windstar Van, 123K miles; 1993
Dodge Caravan, 134K miles; 1995 International 3800
T444E School Bus, 59 pass., 211K miles, auto; 1994
International School Bus, 59 pass., 121K miles, 5spd.
Woodworking Equip: Grizzly G0690 table saw – LIKE
NEW; 14” Packard WBS-14 wood band saw; Delta 10”
table saw; tabletop scroll saw;
Classroom/Of?ce/Cafeteria Equip: large wood cabinet;
white boards; chalk boards; misc. chairs; wooden desks;
cafeteria tables; trapezoid tables; 6’ metal tables; 4’
round table; popcorn machine; microwave;
Misc.: Weight equipment; water pump & motor; gym wall
pads; track pads; 50’+ of wood cabinets; boiler; singer
sewing machines; several lockers; scrap iron; more misc.
on auction day
Note: These will be fairly short sales at each location; so
please be on-time. For any questions please direct calls to
Irene-Wakonda High School at (605) 263-3311.
Irene-Wakonda School District, Owner
Marv Girard, BA #12399; Ken Girard, CAI,
AARE Broker #10183; Mike Girard, CAI, BA
#13549; Scott Moore Auctioneer 5#11031;