072914_YKBP_A 8.pdf

08 Broadcaster Press
July 29, 2014 www.broadcasteronline.com
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all grade levels
WHO SHOULD • Students who are newthethe Vermillion Public School District. for the 2014-2015 school term.
• Students who were in
distict last year, but did not register
• Students who wish to pay fees and purchase meals (see fees listed below by building)
1001 East Main • 677-7035
Curt Cameron, Principal
Jason Huska, Dean of Students
Monday, August 11th: 9-12 students; High School Library
Tuesday, August 12th: 9-12 students; High School Library
Fees: Required – Senior Graduation Fee, $20.00.
Activity tickets and meals may also be purchased: see meal
prices at right. Activity ticket price is $25.00. Ipad fee is
All students may put money on their accounts during
registration and throughout the school year, or purchase
individual meals.
Breakfast Lunch
High School (9-12).....................................$1.50
Middle School (6-8)................................... $1.50
Elementary (K-5)........................................$1.50
Reduced Price Meals.................................$0.30
422 Princeton • 677-7025
Pat Anderson, Principal
Monday, August 11th: 6th-8th grade students, Commons
Tuesday, August 12th: 6th-8th grade students, Commons
Fees: Yearbook, activity tickets and meals may be purchased:
see meal prices at right.
Activity ticket price is $25.00.
Athletic Physicals: Athletes must have a physical exam
completed before they can check out equipment.
8/11, 8/12..................................Registration = 9am-1pm
8/20....................................................First Day of School
9/1...................................................................Labor Day
10/13...............................................Native American Day
11/26 -11/28.................................Thanksgiving Vacation
12/19..................................................2:00pm Dismissal
12/22 - 1/2........................................Christmas Vacation
1/5.........................................................Classes Resume
1/19..............................................Martin Luther King Day
2/16........................................................President’s Day
3/11....................................................2:00pm Dismissal
3/12, 3/13...................................................Spring Break
4/3................................................................Good Friday
4/6............................................................Easter Monday
5/20....................................................Last Day of School
Austin (P, K-1) • 300 High Street • 677-7010
Kim Johnson, Principal/Director of Instruction
Jolley (2-5) • 224 S. University St.• 677-7015
Sue Galvin, Principal
Monday, August 11th and Tuesday, August 12th: Austin – P
and Jolley – 2-5.
If you and your child completed a personal data form (a pink
card) and returned it last spring, and there are no changes (i.e.
address), you will not have to come in for registration on these
Activity tickets should be purchased and meals should be
purchased: see meal prices at right. Activity ticket price is $25.
Kindergarten and ALL other students enrolling in the Vermillion
School District for the first time are required by South Dakota
law to present a copy of their birth certificate and PROOF of
immunization records. According to South Dakota law any
person responsible for a child of school age, shall cause the
child to regularly attend school.
Vermillion School District Welcomes
Students to a New School Year
Student registration for the new school year will be held at all schools on August 11
and 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Payment for meals may be made and free &
reduced meal applications are available at the individual schools during registration. Bus
passes and activity tickets may be purchased at the district office. Activity tickets may
also be purchased at the high school office.
Teachers will have meetings on Monday, August 18 and Tuesday, August 19 in preparation for the students return to school. The first day of school will be Tuesday, August 20,
which will be a full day of school. All services will be provided beginning the first day
including transportation and meal programs.
Everyone is encouraged to visit the school district web site on a regular basis at
www.vermillion. K12.sd.us for school district information. This site provides up-to-date
information on school events as well as the district master calendar, policies, and the student management and information system where parents may check their student’s progress. Daily announcements for middle and high school are also included on the Infinite
Campus system.
Parents are encouraged to update telephone and e-mail contact information during
registration. This information will be used to assist in communication with parents regarding school matters or in case of emergency. Also, the contact information will be used
with the SchoolReach System whereby weather and school schedule changes may be
communicated directly to families.
The Vermillion School Board is committed to providing technology for students and
staff. iPads will again be disseminated to all high school students at the beginning of the
school year offering a one-to-one technology environment. A $25.00 fee is required by
the first day of school for the iPads from high school students. In addition to the current
technology labs and classroom computers, the middle school has computer labs and iPad
carts. Each elementary classroom has two iPads for student use and computer labs in the
schools. Audio-enhancement systems are in place in all elementary classrooms as well
8/18, 8/19......................................Pre-school In-service
10/22..........................................8am to noon In-service
2/11............................................8am to noon In-service
TBD......................................................Full day In-service
10/17.................................End of 1st Quarter (41 Days)
12/19................................End of 2nd Quarter (41 Days)
3/11...................................End of 3rd Quarter (45 Days)
5/20...................................End of 4th Quarter (46 Days)
(less 1 TBD In-Service Day)
10/20......................................................2:00 dismissal
P/T conferences 2:30-8:00
10/22......................................No School In-service then
P/T conferences 1:00-8:00
2/9..........................................................2:00 dismissal
P/T conferences 2:30-8:00
2/11........................................No School In-service then
P/T conferences 1:00-8:00
as in various classrooms in the middle school. This year, all teachers will be equipped with
the latest Apple laptop computers.
The American Bus Corporation begins its fifth year of service to students and families in
the school district with Shayne Ludwig as general manager. Rural parents of students new
to the school system who wish to ride the bus should contact Shayne at 605-659-0178 or
624-8888. The transportation service offers modern route buses and designated activity
buses. Two new activity buses will be added to the fleet this year. American Bus
Corporation also has a mini-bus to provide safe and accessible transportation for special
needs students.
The major facility upgrades this summer include installation of a new roof on the middle
school. In addition, a new metal building will be constructed south of the high school. This
building was funded by a grant from Governor Dennis Daugaard to promote career and
technical education. The structure will enable the district to work in cooperation with
Builders Choice, Inc. to train students in construction of self-contained living units to be
used on mining and drilling sites. Maintenance personnel have been hard at work cleaning, waxing, and painting throughout the summer in preparation for a new school year.